Tuesday, September 9, 2014

180 Blog (do I have to rename it now): Day 11

Aficionados will undoubtedly recall the opening words to this 180 blog, but for the rest of you, here is a reminder: "I fully intend to fail at maintaining this 180 blog." Yesterday, I lived up to my word. I have enjoyed sharing and reflecting on my classroom but yesterday was wholly unremarkable. As I sat down in front of my computer yesterday, the only reason I could think of to write was to say that I wrote so I decided not to write. It was a nice feeling. I felt like I got time back which I could fritter away watching The League. I also finally got around to reading "Thinking Made Visible" (#eduread a week or so ago). I forwarded the article to a colleague, who immediately tried the Chalk Talk strategy, so I felt I should at least finish the article. After I finished the article I decided I would try Chalk Talk as well.

AP Stats
We did Chalk Talk today on the four principles of experimental design. Students are seated in groups of 4, though not all tables are entirely full. I started by placing four markers (one red, blue, purple, and black) on each table. I had two posters for each principle of experimental design (Control, Randomize, Replicate, Block) with each principle written in a different color. Students chose their marker from their table. The color of their marker indicated their starting principle. They conducted a 4 minute silent conversation with their marker group and then rotated to the next principle. We did a total of 5 stations, so that students ended on the same principle that they started with, but the alternate poster. Here are some of the results.

I really don't know what to make of this. I can tell that they have a sense of humor, but think Control only means control group. I tried to debrief, but, as pointed out in previous posts, I am not adept at facilitating classroom conversation.

In the end, I'm fairly ambivalent about the day. I think it's a potentially good activity, but I'm already disappointed in the level of the class. We have a test on Friday and I think it's going to be a wake up call all around. I really hate relying on grades as motivation, especially because there are so many really cool ideas and applications. I'm frustrated because I have obviously not engaged them.

Algebra II

Algebra I
Practice test. Test tomorrow.

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