Sunday, November 2, 2014

#MTBOS Challenge: 3-2-1 Summary

3 -- World Series Rings in Five Years
I am a huge San Francisco Giants fan and I am absolutely beside myself over our latest World Series victory. It was smooth and it wasn't easy. I know we weren't the best team this year and I know that many people are sick of seeing the Giants in October. I'm OK with that though. The only problem is that students and other teachers feel the need to heckle me. I'm sure it's all in good fun, but after game 6, it definitely wasn't fun for me. I am so happy that the series is over and relieved that we won. It feels like a giant weight of my shoulders and I can't stop smiling.

2 -- Double Angle Identities Finally Make Sense
I took Pre-Calc in high school and I remember that we were supposed to memorize the angle-sum, angle-difference, and double angle formulas. I'd like to point out that I remember that we were supposed to learn them, not that I remember them. Last night, however, I was reading An Imaginary Tale by Paul J. Nahin and came across this:
It explains the angle-sum formula as a result of multiplying two complex number in polar form. It struck me like a bolt of lightning. It was one of those great feeling that you get when you study mathematics; that crystal clear connection between two seemingly disparate topics. I haven't had enough of these moments since becoming a math teacher. I love students but I really miss doing mathematics.

1 -- Beautiful Baby
The primary reason that I have not kept up with the blog-o-sphere is my beautiful six-week-old daughter. I hope to get back to more blogging but that means tearing myself away from this:
We shall see.